Tuesday 3 February 2009

Head of MIC denies meeting opposition reps last night for proposition of party-hopping to MIC

Hmm. Sounded interesting when I saw it on the local news.

Party-hopping is becoming a trend, huh?

Now with so many of the opposition members supposedly wanting to join the BN clan, I'm sure the anti-defection law won't pass. But lets see the forecast first. If it bodes well for BN, I'm sure that the law would be banned from discussion in Parliament.

I love hot stories like this.

There's always speculation about what the networks report about ANY matter. So I always head to the blogosphere after the news. To find the REAL news, the way it's supposed to be told.

Hey, does anyone know the real story about the PKR members that went missing on Monday (after handing in letters of resignation on Sunday, if I'm not mistaken) ?

It's a funny thing, politics.

It used to be a serious issue. Who's best to run the country, who's the best candidate per constituency.

Now, the Malaysian government has become the laughing stock of the world. I bet you even the Tutsi's in Rwanda are laughing at us.

What's happened to Malaysia?

Why have we left it in the hands of moronic fools?

So many questions, and oh-so-much IQ amongst the parties to answer them.

I have no faith in our Government anymore.

I listen to the Agong and the Sultans now.

I no longer associate myself to any party. But I will say I'm anti-Barisan. And that will remain till the day the 'line-of-pooled-IQ' clean up their act.

God, save Malaysia.

God, save our Agong.

God, save our Sultans.

God, help us all.

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