Thursday 21 April 2011

Peace be upon all my wonderful readers.

The 1Malaysia email project has been one handed straight into the furnace of online furore. Receiving as much negative feedback as Rosie's hairdresser, the Project was announced by Prime Minister YAB Dato' Sri Najib Razak, expecting great applause for reaching out via new media. After getting a welcome so warm it was just short of boiling, Najib tweeted just before his curfew that "the 1Malaysia email project is funded solely from the private-sector, receiving no Govt. funding whatsoever."

Here's the thing: Why is the private-sector suddenly so keen on funding national-scale projects? Are we not in the worst recession in recent history? And more importantly: Why are private-sector projects getting media-time with Najib? If the private-sector has enough money to blow on insane ideas like this, then surely they can afford their own advertising.

Over & over again, I am being told that these 'private sector projects' is being done for the betterment of The People. Here's something for you:

RM50,000,000, the total amount spent on the 1Malaysia email project, can buy you:

- 12,000,000 packs of nasi lemak for the poor.
- 1,200 longhouses in Sarawak.
- 4 schools.
- 1 hospital.
- Electricity in rural areas.

Bearing in mind that there are some areas of Sarawak that have yet to receive electricity, it begs the question of WHY these private-entities funding 1Malaysia projects like this one believe they are doing so "for the People." The inconvenient truth is that the private-sector doesn't give a flying f*** about the People; they want to ride the glamour-train set forth by the 1Malaysia moniker.

I, being a regular Rakyat Malaysia with a blue MyKAD, can think of endless ways to spend RM50,000,000 that would bring more use to the People than somewhere to send your e-newsletters. That is all its good for anyway, with encryption standards so low I could hack it with a brute-force attack from my BlackBerry.

When all is said & done, the 1Malaysia email project is set to tank, just like every project carrying the 1Malaysia brand.

... suey ah. *wink*

via BlackBerry®

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