Thursday 25 December 2008

Sultan Selangor, relayed by CPO: "Leave kids out of demonstrations."

Now, now, Tuanku.

Kids in demonstrations. That could be wrong. But lets see the circumstances first.

On the day of the BERSIH rally, I had a shoot to get to in Ukay Heights.

And I swear to you, if I didn't have that shoot, I'd have been there.

CPO, please investigate further into the presence of the kids there. Might they have attended the event of their own accord. Are you still going to charge he host for using kids?

I would have attended the BERSIH rally. I would have gone for the Penguin Walk. Are you still going to charge someone for me attending the event because I wanted to?

Honestly, I'm against party's or anyone using kids in demonstrations (friendly or not) as an attention grabber. I'm not okay with someone using me for my face or my age.

That's just not cool.

For me, I try not to let my age get in the way. If it's a cause I support, I'll support it whole-heartedly.

I support the abolishing of the ISA. I support the BERSIH cause. Hell, I support HINDRAF.

So if I'm the supporter, are you still going to charge someone else?

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