Wednesday 17 September 2008

Oh, the 16th's past has it?

My word. I didn't read the papers yesterday. I hadn't the slightest idea that yesterday was d-day. And looky here! Everything's........ the same.

My dear Datuk Anwar, what have you done? Some of your supporters were looking forward to the change, and now some of them are looking at you like some kind of pretentious idiot. They're disappointed, and some of them are hoping for a new savior. Is that how you want to be seen?

I am disappointed. When I saw the newspapers piled up at the local 7-Eleven, I thought they'd all say 'Anwar Ibrahim successful!' or 'Anwar the new PM!'. And I was crestfallen to find that the day was so uneventful that I didn't even notice.

Come on! This country needs change. And it needs it NOW. Because we're at the edge. And in order for us NOT to fall off the cliff, we need (I know I said it already) change. Somehow, I think that our pathetic government is DESPERATE for someone with a backbone and a BRAIN to sit in the top chair.

You know who could have been a great PM? Rafidah Aziz. While the guys were mucking about, calling each other prats and what-evers in Parliament, Rafidah went straight to the point. She got things done. And I personally think the whole AP license fiasco was just a set up to make her look bad. Typical of our Kerajaan, kan?

Regardless, if Anwar wants to take over our Govt, do it quick. We can't wait much longer. Hurry up, some of us are getting inpatient......

1 comment:

Hi&Lo said...


The world is facing a lot of problems: global warming, economic crunch, shortage of food and poverty growing at a fast rate.

Here, BN is more interested in staying in power than to govern.

The longer the political uncertainty, the harder our fall from all these fall-outs.

BN has been a problem, not a solution, since money politics become rampant in Umno.

Corruption, small timers get prosecuted while the big fish get off the hook.

Corruption steals money meant to alleviate poverty. A majority of the middle-class may soon join the poverty rank if no actions are taken to arrest the slide.