In the years after birth, the human will develop certain mental & psychological properties that will shape that said human into an individual. These things range from the way they walk, the way they talk, even the way they take their coffee. This is one of the most fundamental developments of human life, the process where a human becomes a true, individual person.
Often after that said person has set their ways, there are sometimes certain events that can change this individuals' ways. These events usually occur when someone hits the proverbial 'rock bottom'; where that person has reached a low-point in their lives, leaving only one way to go: Up.
'Rock bottom' is different from one person to another, and the events leading to this low-point also vary wildly. A doctor may be led to a low & depressing period in his life when he loses one of his patients (be it by his error or not), while a hardened criminal may hit this period when he finally gets caught red-handed & is thrown in the clink. The theme here is the same: Regardless of your stature or position, every person will hit this period at some point & their actions during this period, often destructive, will forever change their lives.
Hitting rock-bottom is within itself a very traumatic experience. And I can say, with full confidence, that I have hit my rock-bottom before. Several times, in fact. And each time I find my way out of this rut, I have emerged anew; a man (or boy) with a new lease of life, with new principles & outlooks & a generally renewed being.
I will not hide my low-points, because I believe in the old saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That said, it is important that I acknowledge these things that have yet to claim my life or my mind. However... I wish to make it very clear that I am not in any way proud of my actions, even if they have led me to become a better man, a better footstool of Allah S.W.T. and His Messenger, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W., a better citizen of the world, and a better student of the Globe.
I recently hit rock-bottom once again. This time, with much more serious ramifications. So serious are these ramifications, that I care not to tell the tale. What I wish to share, however, is the profound effect of my latest trip to my own, personal hell.
I come from a very well-educated, and very well-respected family. Both of my Great-Grandfathers held posts as District Officers during the British Occupation; Sultans of their era. As such, my Grandparents and their siblings were raised with staunch values & beliefs, and with a great respect of their forefathers. I too was raised with these values & beliefs; age-old teachings that have shaped me into who I am. And yet, somehow, the rebellious inside of me manages to make an appearance every once in a while, wrecking very serious damage every time it does.
This time however, I found myself at a point so low that most people wouldn't even consider it possible for themselves.
I don't even make a slight attempt to hide the fact that I am indeed an elitist. I prefer riding personal transportation (in the form of motorcars or taxi-cabs), I enjoy being pampered with buffed nails & styled hair, and drink hazelnut lattes from Starbucks. As such, I've always had a false belief that I enjoy a relatively high social ranking.
The events that recently took place in my life basically bitch-slapped that right out of me.
These said events, which I will not elaborate upon, made me realise one very simple truth. One that I have known for years, yet have only recently made a part of my personal fabric.
Every person on this Earth was created by the Universal Architect. He has put every person here for a reason. As such, we must respect His creations as they go about their lives, fulfilling this higher purpose.
I was recently placed in a situation where I was within the ranks of people I falsely believed were beneath me. It made me realise that, in a moment that hit me with almost as much as a two-ton truck, that I am no better than anyone in this world. We all are upon the same level. We all return to Him, do we not? It does not matter if you are a multimillionaire businessman, a lawyer, an engineer on an offshore oil-rig, a garbage collector, or even a thief. We are all here, doing our parts, playing the roles given to us by the Universal
(Note: The reason why I use the term Universal Architect or Architect of the Universe is because I'd like to present a form where a higher being is represented, without having to resort to the terms we use, be it Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, etc. The term represents a higher being, a higher power, which I believe that all people upon this Earth have faith in at some point in their lives. It is a term adopted by the Freemasons, a brotherhood that transcends race, blood & religion.)
The Architect designed this Universe ever-so-meticulously; creating many fabrics of existence, with as many fabrics of creations. He created man, with as much painstaking effort as he created the ant. All of His creations co-exist on this Earth, each with its own role. The ant is the worlds' little clean-up team, the bee is the grower of the forest, and so on. The role of man is very complex; the roles of individuals even more complex. There are doctors, tasked with the immense role of healer & creator of healing tools. There are lawyers, defenders of the innocent, prosecutor of the guilty. As there are the good, there are the bad: There are thieves, teaching us that we must work hard as so we are never placed in as desperate a situation as they. There are murderers, reminding us how fragile life is and how we must be appreciative of every breath we take. And there are the insane, quietly demonstrating how very quickly all that you see & know can distort, leaving you blind & disorientated.
Regardless of whom we are and what our role may be on His Earth, we must pin this one simple truth: We are all the creations of the Architect. We all have our roles to play, with each of them bringing a change that He obviously wants in this world of His. There is no better, no lesser. Not in the World He designed.
We are swayed by material indulgences. We prefer to speak to the man in the Armani suit rather than the man in the torn jean-shorts. We have been brainwashed, taught by those around us to believe in material wealth & the black-and-white of life. What we do not see (or have been conditioned not to see) is the massive grey area that exists in this world.
Within this grey-area exists many people who seem to fit in neither the black- or white-area of society. The people of this grey-area are often those who mean well, and those who do whatever they possibly can to get by. Those who do what need to be done without a care for what may be entailed by doing so. Ruthless as it may sound, they're still human beings.
This will be all from me tonight. Maybe tomorrow, if there's nothing on my mind & I feel like rambling some more, I will elaborate on this grey-area of society.
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