Friday, 30 September 2011

PDRM says the crime rate is down?

I nearly pissed myself laughing when I saw this.

The GTP set forth by our dear leader maintains a Twitter account (@GTP_Roadmap). The day after a nineteen year-old suspected (underline: suspected) robber was shot dead in Taman Tun, the GTP Twitter account started saying something regarding Malaysian crime rates, tagging the PDRM Twitter account (@PDRMsia), tweeting that "crime rates nationwide have dropped since 2011."

I think this view is highly limited. What they don't tell you that while crimes committed by the people have dropped, offences carried out by the police has risen. Case in point: Aforementioned nineteen year old. Have I said Aminulrasyid yet? No? Let me say it again: Aminulrasyid.

Need. I. Say. More.

The satirist in me says this is a big government plot to curb spending, as it's cheaper to shoot & kill someone than it is to try them following the criminal justice system in Malaysia. However, the truth is that our police force think they can get away with anything and everything. More often than not, they do.

Don't you find this worrying? I do. Honestly speaking, I think we'd have very different statistics if the crimes committed by our police force were recorded. Wouldn't you agree? Alas, that is but a dream for now. Najib SAYS he's trying to crack down on corruption, but I have trouble believing that.

Whatever it is, the police should stop celebrating their little achievements. They shouldn't be celebrating at all. They are servants to the people. And until the people are happy, they should be striving to improve themselves.

But that requires admitting fault. And just like that, that daydream disappeared. Tsk.

via BlackBerry®

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Faith hardly needs a defence council.

There have been ripples in the fabric of our society lately regarding the JAiS raid on a Damansara Utama church. Apparently, the Church, who was hosting a dinner-cum-break-fast event, was trying to convert the Muslim attendees.

Someone pointed out to me one huge issue here (as if it isn't a big issue as it is): Which element of this said dinner-cum-break-fast supported the rumours of this apparent conversion? "Were they being given wafers? Were they asked to drink the blood of Christ? Tak, kan?" This person is a fellow Muslim with faith stronger than mine, in some respects.

What the predominantly-Malay-Muslim public here do not see is the sheer hypocrisy of the entire affair. We openly invite our non-Muslim friends & visitors to our mosques (just before the narrow-minded idiots who "care for the mosque" shoo them out). And yet Muslims are not allowed to visit other places of worship? We are allowed, in fact ENCOURAGED to preach the word of Muhammad S.A.W., and yet we limit the abilities of those of other religions to do the same.

And we live in a "free & fair" society? *snort*

The gist of it is the fact that the Islam taught in Malaysia, if it can still be called Islam, preaches paranoia & fear. "Non-Muslims will steal your food, rape your wives, and then thrust upon you a faith not sanctioned by Allah," or something similar to that. I can openly say that our Friday sermons (which need to be verified & edited by the State Religious Department, if I might add) are SLANTED in favour of the Malay-Muslim community (I repeat, MALAY-Muslim community. If you're not light brown with a tiny brain, do not apply). I have heard of a Chinese man, who converted from Buddhism to Islam, who goes to the Masjid Jamek mosque exclusively, because the sermon is fair & just. And also conducted in Tamil.
We have forgotten that Islam is a faith of love, kindness, and acceptance.

Oh Malaysia. We have religious departments (which apparently move freely without any political agenda *double snort*) who cater solely to the Malay-Muslim community (and openly shun converts), because obviously the Malay-Muslim community here have faith so very fragile, that simply sharing a meal with a non-Muslim will compel you to leave Islam.

Islam in Malaysia leaves a lot to be desired. The Church preaches with open arms. Any man, of any faith, of any creed, is welcome to the Church in times of need. They do not force you to believe in their ideals; but they do shower you in kindness regardless. The growing unofficial rate of Muslims leaving the faith is proof that the way Islam is taught here is SERIOUSLY flawed.

As a young man who is still in the system, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, that it is all about fear & intimidation. "Do this, or go to Hell," is the way they 'educate' (which kind of explains the Government, too). Hence you have people like Lina Joy, who is so much happier as a Christian, despite the Government refusing to acknowledge her new faith.

My Great-Grandfather, Tuan Haji Pateh Akhir, who was the Head of the Selangor State Religious Department back in the day, is probably rolling in his grave.

This is not Islam anymore.

via BlackBerry®

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

"I didn't know it was illegal."

A blind masseur was charged in court today for incest, after raping his daughter (one of eight children) repeatedly over a course of five years, resulting in her current pregnancy.

When asked by the court, he said he was unaware it was against the law. The judge then retorted: "Which state law allows such behaviour?"

This is the Malaysian system at work.

I have always believed that sexual assault takes the cake as the most heinous crime of the twenty first century (closely followed by physical abuse). Knowing several rape victims myself, I have been privy to the Malaysian state of thought on issues such as these.

In most modern countries, those in power condemn the very act of rape, saying that the public needs to be better educated on the atrocities of sexual assault. The victims are consoled, given therapy, and helped to get them back on their feet. Rightly so; There is nothing quite as emotionally scarring as having your dignity snatched from you.

That is not the case here. In Malaysia, rape victims are more likely to be accosted, saying they 'provoked' attacks, by dressing or acting provocatively. Almost as if it was their fault that the perpetrator couldn't help himself.

... eh hello. It is a woman's prerogative to dress & act in whatever manner she sees fit, no? How is it their fault when a man can't keep it in his pants?

Worse still, rape victims are shunned by family & society in general, deeming them 'dirty.' This is the worst phase; coupled with the brainwashing into making them think it was their fault, they then lose all support from the people they're closest to.

The very act of violating a woman is atrocious. In this country, the ramifications are even more horrendous than the violation itself. Can we let society continue like this?

I most certainly will not.
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And it was all yellow...

The Bersih2 rallies are just round the corner. Latest updates tell me that steering committee chairman Datuk S. Ambiga has decided to hold the event in Stadium Merdeka, as a show of respect toward Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.

... fitting that it be held in Stadium Merdeka, no?

Anyhow. After cracking up in front of the television yesterday, watching a Buletin Utama segment on how PDRM found stacks of Bersih2 tee-shirts alongside (brand new) parangs & (plastic!) Molotov cocktails, I've decided NOT to attend the Bersih rally for my own safety.

Not that I won't be there in spirit, of course. And in a show of support, I'll be wearing yellow every day until July 9th.

I find it hilarious how the Royal Malaysian Police Force has chosen to arrest anyone & everyone wearing a Bersih 2.0 tee under the Emergency Ordinance act. A case in Selangor has amounted to a victim posting RM4,000 bail.

For wearing a shirt.

Worse still, there are roadblocks everywhere around town, to nab Bersih supporters during their commutes. I quote a Minister who said the Bersih 2.0 rally would be a "nuisance" and a "general inconvenience to the public." Yet, those roadblocks, which are causing jams tens of kilometres long, somehow don't inconvenience the general public? HMM, I hear you say. HMM indeed.

Although the objective of Bersih is to rally support for free, fair & clean elections, I honestly believe that they've also managed to make the Government look more fallible. Politicians, pseudo or otherwise, have been toppled from their high perches, revealing their true colours.

And I'm sure I'm not the only one watching BN writhe & squirm as they watch their final vestige of hope, the Electoral Commission, be put under the microscope.

I'm looking forward to the next GE. Aren't you?

via BlackBerry®

Monday, 16 May 2011

An Answer for Anwar

After a long drawn-out trial which grabbed the headlines of every news publication which knew heads or tails, Justice Zabidin of the SodomyII trial rules that prima-facie was established, and that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is to enter defence when the trial resumes on June 6th.

Can I see a show of hands as to the number of you who actually believed he'd go free?

In this country, where the term 'dirty politics' is redundant, it was very clear (to me, at least) that this was merely a ploy to get the morality of the Opposition under question. It is a little-recognised fact that a large chunk of the Malaysian population live outside of town, and are not subject to the same thought-processes we new-age city slickers are.

We see that this is a BN trick... they see TV3.

I know it probably sounds quite uppity of me to reduce it to 'us' and 'them,' but I know my readers well enough to know that you get it. The fact of the matter is, the rural votes are the ones that get the majority into office, because the majority of the people live in rural areas. So while we base our opinions upon news & reports from unbiased sources, the majority is left with mainstream media.

And BN won by how much?

It's a bit like how constipated Saiful swore upon the Holy Qur'an within two months of his police report. It was a stunt by any other name, to win over the hearts of Felda settlers nationwide. Just like how a certain Felda reality-show contestant won Malaysia's biggest talent-competition, simply because the makciks in those weird kampungs we've never heard of would like him.

The truth of the matter is, we are relegating tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of the Rakyat's money to run this case. A case which would never see the light of day in most other countries. It is not wrong to be gay, it is not (legally) wrong to cheat on your wife (with a man, a woman, or otherwise). What (or rather, who) DSAI chooses to do during his personal time is his personal problem. As long as it doesn't affect whatever work he does in office, it's all good.

... hey, wait a minute. He isn't in office, either.

So why is this an issue of national importance, receiving the full attention of the national media?

The difference between politics then & now, is that during the time of Tunku Abdul Rahman and the time following his immediate predecessors, ministers & members of the Government didn't try to saint themselves only that far below Mother Teresa, and then vehemently deny allegations that they are actually human. Politicians then were womanisers, drinkers... hell, the late Father of Independence had the best collection of dirty jokes, so I am told. But at the end of the day, he did good by his Country & by his People, and that is what people remember.

Problem now is that when you don't do jack AND expect the benefits... hey man, you're a sitting duck.

For now, let's celebrate. Because between June 6th and June 30th, we can watch even more tax-money go to waste. FUN FUN FUN.

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Thursday, 12 May 2011

the Mandatory Death Penalty.

When you think of drug trafficking, you immediately associate with it certain figures. Your mind stereotypes these figures; you will see someone downtrodden, with bags under his puffy red eyes, disshelved hair... the general look of the scum of society. This stereotype is so powerful that if you see someone on the street who fits this description, you will immediately assume them a drug addict, or at least a homeless person.

But as we all know, stereotypes are very dangerous things; something that actually works against our sense of judgement. So now I ask you: What if it is not so?

I spent my Wednesday evening at a Death Penalty Forum, held at the KL Chinese Assembly Hall at the top of Jalan Maharajalela in the city centre. The reason behind my being there is irrelevant; what is relevant is what was brought out of that room. The forum was spearheaded by the people behind the 'Save Yong Vui Kong' campaign, with support from the Malaysian Bar Council and the KLCAH.

The panellists were Andrew Khoo, Chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the Malaysian Bar Council, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, a prominent human rights lawyer, YB Gobind Singh Deo, lawyer & Puchong MP, and Madrasamy Ravi (or M. Ravi), Yong Vui Kong's defence council. Also present was the family of Chun Yin; another Malaysian incarcerated in Singapore and awaiting execution.

(Read: "Have a heart," Gwo Burne tells Singapore: )

M. Ravi, human rights lawyer and defence council to Yong Vui Kong, brought up several interesting facts. Among them:

1) The Mandatory-Death Sentence was challenged in Singapore, and has been declared as "cruel & unusual punishment" by all Commonwealth countries (except Malaysia & Singapore).
2) A judges' discretion is taken away by the Mandatory Death sentence, as it allows no second path for offenders.
3) The Indian judicial system as amended the Mandatory Death sentence, saying that "No civilised country can uphold this law." (Coincidentally, the Malaysian judicial system is based upon the Indian judicial system.)
4) Yong Vui Kong's appeal to Singaporean President, SR Nathan, would be the first of its kind in Singapore in eleven years.
5) The mandatory death sentence does not serve its purpose as a deterrence toward potential offenders, as statistics compiled by several NGO's have proven that drug-related crimes have doubled since the mandatory death sentence was imposed.
6) No other countries in the world uphold the mandatory death sentence except Singapore & Malaysia.
7) The Malaysian Minister of Law personally acknowledges that the Mandatory Death Sentence is ineffective.

M. Ravi closed his argument by saying Yong Vui Kong's case "must be brought to the International Court of Law by the Malaysian Government."

Andrew Khoo, Chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the Malaysian Bar Council followed after M. Ravi, giving us a brief history on the mandatory death sentence. In 1975, the death sentence was not mandatory for drug trafficking. In 1983, the Act was amended, making death mandatory for those caught in the act of trafficking drugs.

Between 1988 – 1995: SUARAM says there were 194,797 drug addicts recognised by NGOs in Malaysia.
Between 1988 – 2005: PEMADAM noted that there were 289,793 drug addicts on record.
In ten years, there was a 95,000+ increase in the number of drug addicts. It stands to reason that we're either "not hanging enough people" as Andrew put it, OR more likely is that the mandatory death sentence is an ineffective deterrent.

Here, I would like to break off into my own words.
Both M. Ravi & Andrew Khoo make very compelling arguments (of course they do. They're lawyers). That having been said, it is very clear that the mandatory death sentence isn't doing its foremost job: To deter would-be offenders from involving themselves in the drug trade.

People in general have a thing about removing or disposing of items irrelevant or useless to them. We call it 'streamlining'; when we dispose of needless clutter. Clutter that is ineffective & irrelevant to our lives.

So since the mandatory death penalty isn't working... why do we still have it?

One of the most compelling statements I took away from the Forum last night was from Andrew, who said, "The mandatory death sentence removes the discretion of the judge in its' entirety. The Malaysian judicial system calls upon experienced judges who make their decisions based on their experience, yet at a juncture where their experience is vital, their right of discretion is revoked."

On the 10th of May 2011, BERNAMA released a report saying that the police rescued two women during a raid on an apartment in Puchong, who were being held there against their will & were forced to become drug mules. These women were duped into going to the apartment, and when they refused to haul the drugs willingly, they were forced to swallow the product, then held captive for several days.

Here's MY question to you: If these women were to have been caught for trafficking these drugs across the Causeway, would you deem it just to have the mandatory death sentence imposed upon them?
Should sentences be handed out upon the severity of the crime, with extraordinary circumstances being taken into account?

I, as a law-abiding citizen (where applicable), would like to state in my personal opinion that the death sentence should be retained, and handed out in only the most extreme of circumstances. I also believe that the MANDATORY death sentence should be abolished (in favour of life imprisonment) or amended, leaving it to the discretion of the judge to impose such a sentence. Don't you think so?

(I am fully aware as to how controversial this subject is. In light of that, I invite you to comment on this post, sharing your views on the subject. However, please bear in mind that as a citizen of the world, you do hold the power of justice in your hands. So think twice before you relegate someone to the gallows with your words.)

via BlackBerry®

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Peace be upon all my wonderful readers.

The 1Malaysia email project has been one handed straight into the furnace of online furore. Receiving as much negative feedback as Rosie's hairdresser, the Project was announced by Prime Minister YAB Dato' Sri Najib Razak, expecting great applause for reaching out via new media. After getting a welcome so warm it was just short of boiling, Najib tweeted just before his curfew that "the 1Malaysia email project is funded solely from the private-sector, receiving no Govt. funding whatsoever."

Here's the thing: Why is the private-sector suddenly so keen on funding national-scale projects? Are we not in the worst recession in recent history? And more importantly: Why are private-sector projects getting media-time with Najib? If the private-sector has enough money to blow on insane ideas like this, then surely they can afford their own advertising.

Over & over again, I am being told that these 'private sector projects' is being done for the betterment of The People. Here's something for you:

RM50,000,000, the total amount spent on the 1Malaysia email project, can buy you:

- 12,000,000 packs of nasi lemak for the poor.
- 1,200 longhouses in Sarawak.
- 4 schools.
- 1 hospital.
- Electricity in rural areas.

Bearing in mind that there are some areas of Sarawak that have yet to receive electricity, it begs the question of WHY these private-entities funding 1Malaysia projects like this one believe they are doing so "for the People." The inconvenient truth is that the private-sector doesn't give a flying f*** about the People; they want to ride the glamour-train set forth by the 1Malaysia moniker.

I, being a regular Rakyat Malaysia with a blue MyKAD, can think of endless ways to spend RM50,000,000 that would bring more use to the People than somewhere to send your e-newsletters. That is all its good for anyway, with encryption standards so low I could hack it with a brute-force attack from my BlackBerry.

When all is said & done, the 1Malaysia email project is set to tank, just like every project carrying the 1Malaysia brand.

... suey ah. *wink*

via BlackBerry®

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Oh, Bumi Kenyalang...

Sitting quietly in this hospital room, I watch closely the live updates on the Sarawak state-elections. My laptop's mechanical whirr of cooling fans keeping me company, I watch as the Rakyat speak after spending thirty-years uder Taib Mahmud.

Despite the many controversies surrounding Taib of late, the irony here is that Taib himself was voted back into office by his constituents. So one must ask: Although we are well-aware of his profiteering from the State, has he also played the role of the Chief Minister over the past thirty-years toward the profit of the People, too?

At this juncture, we must remember that although we *know* of Taib amassing his wealth through shady-means within the State, there is not one shred of evidence to date showing clearly of his profiteering. This may either be his genius at work, covering his tracks wherever he can... or this may just be the truth. It is easy to make like RPK & make outlandish allegations (and then retract them in cowardice on national television), but it is the mark of a true 'politikus' to show the World true reason to distrust a political figure.

One must not point fingers without believable reason.

However, the campaigning is over. THE RAKYAT have spoken, and Barisan Nasional is back for another spin. But, it is not a complete loss for the Opposition; this state election has given them significant inroads to the People, through which they can establish better footing for the next time SPR waltzes into town.

If this state-election has anything to say, it is this: The Opposition is not yet strong enough to stage a takeover, but they're getting there day-by-day. And if Barisan Nasional doesn't buck-up their game, their time may run out much sooner than they expected.
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Saturday, 16 April 2011


In the years after birth, the human will develop certain mental & psychological properties that will shape that said human into an individual. These things range from the way they walk, the way they talk, even the way they take their coffee. This is one of the most fundamental developments of human life, the process where a human becomes a true, individual person.

Often after that said person has set their ways, there are sometimes certain events that can change this individuals' ways. These events usually occur when someone hits the proverbial 'rock bottom'; where that person has reached a low-point in their lives, leaving only one way to go: Up.

'Rock bottom' is different from one person to another, and the events leading to this low-point also vary wildly. A doctor may be led to a low & depressing period in his life when he loses one of his patients (be it by his error or not), while a hardened criminal may hit this period when he finally gets caught red-handed & is thrown in the clink. The theme here is the same: Regardless of your stature or position, every person will hit this period at some point & their actions during this period, often destructive, will forever change their lives.

Hitting rock-bottom is within itself a very traumatic experience. And I can say, with full confidence, that I have hit my rock-bottom before. Several times, in fact. And each time I find my way out of this rut, I have emerged anew; a man (or boy) with a new lease of life, with new principles & outlooks & a generally renewed being.

I will not hide my low-points, because I believe in the old saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That said, it is important that I acknowledge these things that have yet to claim my life or my mind. However... I wish to make it very clear that I am not in any way proud of my actions, even if they have led me to become a better man, a better footstool of Allah S.W.T. and His Messenger, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W., a better citizen of the world, and a better student of the Globe.

I recently hit rock-bottom once again. This time, with much more serious ramifications. So serious are these ramifications, that I care not to tell the tale. What I wish to share, however, is the profound effect of my latest trip to my own, personal hell.
I come from a very well-educated, and very well-respected family. Both of my Great-Grandfathers held posts as District Officers during the British Occupation; Sultans of their era. As such, my Grandparents and their siblings were raised with staunch values & beliefs, and with a great respect of their forefathers. I too was raised with these values & beliefs; age-old teachings that have shaped me into who I am. And yet, somehow, the rebellious inside of me manages to make an appearance every once in a while, wrecking very serious damage every time it does.

This time however, I found myself at a point so low that most people wouldn't even consider it possible for themselves.

I don't even make a slight attempt to hide the fact that I am indeed an elitist. I prefer riding personal transportation (in the form of motorcars or taxi-cabs), I enjoy being pampered with buffed nails & styled hair, and drink hazelnut lattes from Starbucks. As such, I've always had a false belief that I enjoy a relatively high social ranking.

The events that recently took place in my life basically bitch-slapped that right out of me.

These said events, which I will not elaborate upon, made me realise one very simple truth. One that I have known for years, yet have only recently made a part of my personal fabric.

Every person on this Earth was created by the Universal Architect. He has put every person here for a reason. As such, we must respect His creations as they go about their lives, fulfilling this higher purpose.

I was recently placed in a situation where I was within the ranks of people I falsely believed were beneath me. It made me realise that, in a moment that hit me with almost as much as a two-ton truck, that I am no better than anyone in this world. We all are upon the same level. We all return to Him, do we not? It does not matter if you are a multimillionaire businessman, a lawyer, an engineer on an offshore oil-rig, a garbage collector, or even a thief. We are all here, doing our parts, playing the roles given to us by the Universal

(Note: The reason why I use the term Universal Architect or Architect of the Universe is because I'd like to present a form where a higher being is represented, without having to resort to the terms we use, be it Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, etc. The term represents a higher being, a higher power, which I believe that all people upon this Earth have faith in at some point in their lives. It is a term adopted by the Freemasons, a brotherhood that transcends race, blood & religion.)

The Architect designed this Universe ever-so-meticulously; creating many fabrics of existence, with as many fabrics of creations. He created man, with as much painstaking effort as he created the ant. All of His creations co-exist on this Earth, each with its own role. The ant is the worlds' little clean-up team, the bee is the grower of the forest, and so on. The role of man is very complex; the roles of individuals even more complex. There are doctors, tasked with the immense role of healer & creator of healing tools. There are lawyers, defenders of the innocent, prosecutor of the guilty. As there are the good, there are the bad: There are thieves, teaching us that we must work hard as so we are never placed in as desperate a situation as they. There are murderers, reminding us how fragile life is and how we must be appreciative of every breath we take. And there are the insane, quietly demonstrating how very quickly all that you see & know can distort, leaving you blind & disorientated.

Regardless of whom we are and what our role may be on His Earth, we must pin this one simple truth: We are all the creations of the Architect. We all have our roles to play, with each of them bringing a change that He obviously wants in this world of His. There is no better, no lesser. Not in the World He designed.
We are swayed by material indulgences. We prefer to speak to the man in the Armani suit rather than the man in the torn jean-shorts. We have been brainwashed, taught by those around us to believe in material wealth & the black-and-white of life. What we do not see (or have been conditioned not to see) is the massive grey area that exists in this world.

Within this grey-area exists many people who seem to fit in neither the black- or white-area of society. The people of this grey-area are often those who mean well, and those who do whatever they possibly can to get by. Those who do what need to be done without a care for what may be entailed by doing so. Ruthless as it may sound, they're still human beings.

This will be all from me tonight. Maybe tomorrow, if there's nothing on my mind & I feel like rambling some more, I will elaborate on this grey-area of society.

via BlackBerry®

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Bumi Kenyalang, and other things that fly (or rather, fall).

With the Sarawak elections just around the corner, King Taib Mahmud looks set to get a royal kicking to the curb by the Rakyat. Personally, I like him. P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L-L-Y. As a fellow Rakyat (though not of Sarawak), and him as a politician, I believe the State is better off without him. It is no real secret that the State has been effectively ass-raped of her natural treasures and resources, leaving it in a more dire need of cosmetic surgery than Puan Sri Ragaad Kurdi. Ugliness (and large noses) aside, Taib is in need of a newer replacement (pun intended), and fast. After all, we don't want Puan Sri to start getting political ambitions now do we? *cough*FLOM*cough*

And what's this about another MACC flyaway? Almost as quickly as Ahmad Sarbani descended those three floors into the tennis court (why is there a tennis court at the MACC building anyway?) the IGP quickly mentions that the "Teoh & Sarbani deaths are different." Different, eh? Let's check out the facts that every lay-man can understand:

Was Sarbani under MACC investigation? Yes.
Was he under MACC care at the time? Yes.
Was he left unattended near a window? Yes.



The irony here is that with the funding MACC gets, they don't have CCTV. MACC buildings & offices not only need to be low-rise or on the ground floor, but they need legal waivers you sign upon entry, so you won't make a fuss if you strangle yourself or waltz conveniently out of a suspiciously open window. Kan.
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Of Life in general.

Salaam. Peace be upon the World & its inhabitants.

It has been long since I last updated Choc-O-Blog. So here I am, making amends. Much has changed, and a lot has happened. So I shall try to reduce all that into something short & concise for all of you. Read: "try".

The biggest change in the life of this Blog & its Writer is the switch of name & medium. Rather than 'Choc-O', I now go by the very quicker 'Chocs'. On top of that, I've switched my main social medium from Blogspot to Twitter, with the corresponding Twitter handle, @ChocsMYS. For this, I blame @Elviza (, the Glam-Queen of Twitterjaya. (Yeah, I know that last bit wouldn't make sense to non-Twitter addicts. But... do try to keep up, ya?)

Being a teenager allows me a lot of personal freedom. That said, I intend to make full use of my youth & reinvent myself. Again. You, my dears, have watched me change often already, so its time to watch me go at it again. Don't worry; you were like this when you were almost-sixteen too. If you can remember that period, of course.

One of the biggest personal developments of late is my new-found (or reinforced) love of the Malaysian music industry. I've always been a fan, but I've been seriously considering a professional career in the limelight. Why? Because I'm so awesome. Ya. But seriously, people regularly tell me I have vocal talent. Some that I know, most of them strangers. I don't want to toot my own horn, but have you heard some of the new Malaysian talent? So flat & powerless. Thank god the musical arrangements are good.

Anyway, I'd like to mention that I'll be performing alongside my good friend & R-&-B sensation ALTIMET, for Acoustic Nights @ KLPac in the coming months. It'll be of his new single, a song I hold very dear to my heart (about an equally touching topic), 'Kotarayaku.' Dates are to be confirmed, but I'll update all of you when I get details. Insya'Allah, all will go smoothly.

In line with the new look, feel, image & name, I plan to revamp this blog entirely. The name (and possibly the URL) will change soon, in line with MY new name too. I'd like ChocsMYS.blogspot if I can. If I can't change the URL (I'm a bit of a techtard, so I don't really know), then I'll set up another blog & maintain this one the way it is. (If I maintain this one, it'll be more of a personal blog, with the other one being more of the SoPo me).

NOW. For the stuff you all expect from me. Watch the next posts for some political fun-poking. Ooh ooh, I may get arrested for this.
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